MLR327_AL300mm Anti-Ligature Straight Grab Rail in Satin Stainless Steel


Material #304 Stainless Steel - 32mmØ
2.0mm Thick Stainless Steel InFill Plate
Finish Satin Stainless Steel
Mounting Screw Fix - Multiple Points
Also Available

MLR330_AL:  450mm C to C
MLR331_AL:  600mm C to C
MLR332_AL:  750mm C to C
MLR333_AL:  900mm C to C
MLR336_AL:  1500mm C to C

* It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the surface/substrate that the unit is installed upon and the fixings used are suitable to withstand the weight bearing loads of the unit and if required as per AS1428 / Australian building code regulations.

* Compliant with the Force Requirements within AS1428.1: 2021, Section 14.


  • This product is designed for use in security and mental health facilities.




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Technical Specification

MLR327_AL300mm Anti-Ligature Straight Grab Rail in Satin Stainless Steel


Material #304 Stainless Steel - 32mmØ
2.0mm Thick Stainless Steel InFill Plate
Finish Satin Stainless Steel
Mounting Screw Fix - Multiple Points
Also Available

MLR330_AL:  450mm C to C
MLR331_AL:  600mm C to C
MLR332_AL:  750mm C to C
MLR333_AL:  900mm C to C
MLR336_AL:  1500mm C to C

* It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the surface/substrate that the unit is installed upon and the fixings used are suitable to withstand the weight bearing loads of the unit and if required as per AS1428 / Australian building code regulations.

* Compliant with the Force Requirements within AS1428.1: 2021, Section 14.


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The photographs and line drawings of the products presented above are representational only.
Metlam Australia Pty Ltd reserves the right to, and from time to time, make changes and improvements in design and dimensions.


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